인적자원관리시스템에 대한 공정성인식이 결과행위에 미치는 영향

A Study on the Effects Comes up to Outcome Behavior of the Perceived Justice on Human Resources Management System

  • 윤대혁 (신라대학교 경영정보과)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


This study aims at developing and empirically testing a comprehensive model of organizational justice derived from the prior empirical studies on organizational justice. The study seeks to understand the antecedents to and the consequences are addressed. The first question is what characteristics of the HRM systems determine the levels of perceived distributive and procedural justice. Hypotheses are derived from the two prominent theoretical models, i.e., the self-interests model (SIM) and the group value model (GVM). Those factors include neutrality, consistency, accuracy. ethicality. credibility. and reciprocity in the processes of making HRM decisions. All nine factors suggested by the two models aye adopted for this study as major determinants of both distributive and procedural justice. The second question of this study is related to the moderating effects of individual differences on the relationship between the SIM and GVM variables and perceived distributive and procedural justice in organizational contexts. The final research question deals with the consequences of perceived organizational justice. specifically job - related altitudes and organizational commitment. Job-related attitudes in this study refer to job satisfaction, job motivation, and job involvement, i.e., the willingness to make contributions. identification with organization, and intent to stay. In examining the consequences of perceived organizational justice, the study focuses on the interaction effects of procedural and distributive justice on the above nine outcome variables. The results show that both SIM and GVM variables significantly influence distributive and procedural justice. However, hierarchical regression analyses reveal that the GVM variables except more influence has been focused on the consequences of perceived distributive justice with regard to outcomes provided by the organization.



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