Utilizing the Customer Information for an Efficient Marketing Promotion

마케팅 촉진을 위한 고객정보의 체계화 방안

  • Published : 2002.11.01


As the business structure of many industries changes under IT progress and internet economy, the customer information has emerged a key factor in setting up the management policy. The customer has come to replace the product as a central figure in business competition. The domestic life insurance market has also experienced the rapid structural changes in IT time. The competition in the insurance industry to maintain the existing membership and to attract the new members gets stronger under such a new business circumstance. Accordingly, it is necessary for an individual insurance company to develop a systematic marketing plan, based on the customer information, to be competitive in the market. Unlike other studies in which customer characteristics are neglected, this study attempts to utilize the customer information by applying the data mining technique, and then suggests an efficient marketing strategy that could prevail in the competitive business environment.
