건축환경 및 설비의 전산유체해석(CFD) 사례 및 전망

  • 김상진 (전주대학교 공학부 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2002.09.01




  1. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics v.83 CFD analysis of wind environment around a human body S. Murakami;J. Zeng;T. Hayashi
  2. 空氣調和·衛生工學會學術講演會講演論文集 大規模ガラスホ-ルの溫熱空氣環境に關する模型實驗(その3, 4) 村上周;加藤信介;大시聰;尾關義
  3. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics v.67-68 Current status and future trends in computational wind engineering S. Murakami
  4. Energy and Buildings v.15-16 Numerical simulation of velocity field and diffusion field in an urban area S. Murakami;A. Mochida;Y. Hyashi;K. Hibi
  5. 日本建築學會計畵系論文集 v.D-1 關東地方における土地利用狀況の變化と流れ場, 溫度場の關係-Mellor-Yamada型の都市氣候モデルによる局地氣象解析- 村上周三;持田정;金相璡;大岡龍三
  6. Prep. of 3rd International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering Software platform for the total analysis of wind climate and urban heat island, Integration of CWE simulations from human scale to urban scale S. Murakami;A. Mochida;S. Kim;R. Ooka;S. Yoshida;H. Kondo;Y. Genichi;A. Shimada