분자동력학 시뮬레이션과 이의 응용

  • 박승호 (홍익대학교 기계·시스템디자인공학과)
  • Published : 2002.09.01




  1. Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas Flow Bird, G. A.
  2. Molecular Dynamics Simulation Elementary Methods Haile, J. M.
  3. Computer Simulation of Liquids Allen, M. P.;Tildesley, D. J.
  4. Physics Reports v.325 Modelling the Nano-scale Phenomena in Condensed Matter Physics Computer-Based Numerical Simulations Rafii-Tabar, H.
  5. Advances in Numerical Heat Transfer Molecular Dynamics Method for Microscale Heat Transfer. Maruyama, S.;W. J. Minkowycz(Ed.);E. M. Sparrow(Ed.)
  6. Ann. Rev. Heat Transfer v.10 Molecular Dynamics in Microscale Thermophysical Engineering Chou, F. C.;Lukes, J. R.;Liang, X. G.;Takahashi, K.;Tien, C. L.
  7. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer v.36 Molecular Dynamics Study of Solid Melting and Vaporization by Laser Irradiation. Kotake, S.;Kuroki, M.
  8. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer v.40 Quantum Molecular Dynamics Study on Light-to-Heat Absorption Mechanism: Two Metallic Atom System Shibahara, M.;Kotake, S.
  9. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer v.41 Quantum Molecular Dynamics Study of Light-to-Heat Absorption Mechanism in Atomix System. Shibahara, M.;Kotake, S.
  10. Phys. Rev. B v.31 Computer Simulation of Local Order in Condensed Phase of Silicon Stillinger, F. H.;Weber, T. A.
  11. Phys. Rev. B v.37 New Empirical Approach for the Structure and Energy of Covalent System Tersoff, J.
  12. Phys. Rev. B v.38 Empirical Interatomic Potential for Silicon with Inproved Elastic Properties Tersoff, J.
  13. J. Chem. Phys. v.76 A Computer Simulation Method for the Calculation of Equilibrium Constants for the Formation of Physical Clusters of Molecules: Application to Small Water Clusters Swope, W. C.;Anderson, H. C.;Berens, P. H.;Wilson, K. R.
  14. Interfacial Thermal Resistance in Superlattice Structures, presented at Heat Transfer and Transport Phenomena in Microsystems Abramson, A. R.;Tien, C. L.
  15. Science v.289 Formation, Stability, and Breakup of Nanojets Moseler, M.;Landman, U.
  16. IMM
  17. Microscale Thermophysical Engineering v.4 Interfacial Ambiguities in Microdroplets and Microbubles Weng, J. G.;Park, S. H.;Tien, C. L.
  18. Journal of Chemical Physics v.113 Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Thickness Effects on Liquid Films Weng, J. G.;Park, S. H.;Lukes, J. R.;Tien, C. L.
  19. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer v.44 A Molecular Dynamics Study on Surface Tension of Microbubbles Park, S. H.;Weng, J. G.;Tien, C. L.
  20. KSME Int. J. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Adhesion Processes S. S. Cho;S. H. Park