Screening Test of Wild Mushroom Extracts for Fibrinolytic Activity

  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


To investigate the fibrinolytic activities of the Korean basidiomycetes, the Extracts of 50 wild mushrooms were tested for their fibrinolytic activites. Extract from Tricholoma sejunctum showed 175% increased activity to that of plasmin 1.0 U/ml. Marasmius siccus showed 54% of activity, and Laetiporus sulphureus var. miniatus and Macrolepiota procera, 43% and 26% activities, respectively to that of plasmin. But, Cystoderma amianthinum, Lepiota sp., Coprinus sp., Lycoperdon sp. were less than 10% of plasmin activity.
