정수장에서 회전 분사 노즐을 사용한 여과사 세척에 관한 연구

A Study on the Rotating Jet Nozzle for Washing Sand Filter in Water Purification Plant

  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


The contamination problem is getting worse now a day because of the industrial activities. Recently it has been announced that there's environmental hormone in river and lake which produces clean water, also there's too many of algae reproduces under the water and some virus in the drinking water. The quality of water is very important. pure and clean water is not only a precondition for human being to live but a basic factor to improve the quality of life. so a water purification system must be developed. This study is about the surface washing treatment technique. We tried to use a rotary nozzle to get a tush degree of efficiency, for it was not enough with present way of washing. The nozzle is run by water pressure. The results of the experiment are as follows. We got a clean and equal surface after washing. After washing, the water's maximum consistency was 330NTU and it shows that this way is better than before one with 215NTU. Clean level of the filter was 6$^{\circ}$and it's 2.8 times higher than 17$^{\circ}$with the old way. We can see the results that the new way of washing is more effective than old way based on this study.



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