악성 이동 코드와 대응 기법

  • Published : 2002.11.01




  1. Malicious Mobile Code R. Grimes
  2. 바이러스 정보 보기-Win32-Nimda 안철수 연구소
  3. 바이러스 정보 보기-JS/Spida 안철수 연구소
  4. 바이러스 정보 보기-JS/Exploit.Messenger 안철수 연구소
  5. The 'stacheldraht' distributed denial of service attack tool David Dittrich
  6. Securing Java G. McGraw;E. Felton
  7. A Collection of Increasingly Hostile Applets M. LaDue
  8. Enhancing E-Mail Security With Procmailthe E-mail Sanitizer J.. Hardin
  9. Infex-Unix Mail Server Scanner PLDaniels
  10. white paper InterScan AppletTrap: Eliminating Malicious Mobile Code Trend Micro
  11. Xamime : Content control - policy enforcement Xamime
  12. Symantec White Paper Series v.XXXIV Understanding heuristics symantec's bloodhound technology Symantec
  13. proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Improving Computer Security using Extended Static Checking B. Chess
  14. Computers & Security v.14 no.6 MCF: a Malicious Code Filter R. W. Lo;K. N. Levitt;R.A. Olsson
  15. Virus Bulletin Conference Heuristic Engines F. Fernandeez
  16. proc. of the IEEE symposium on Security and Privacy Data Mining Method for Detection of New Malicious Executables M. Schultz(et al.)
  17. Software Practice and Experience Bytecode Verification on Java Smart Card X. Leroy
  18. proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Flexible Policy-Directed Code Safety D. Evans
  19. USA patent Computer Network malicious code scanner Trend Micro
  20. proc. of New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW'01) Model-Carrying Code (MCC): A New Paradigm for Mobile-Code Security R. Sekar(et al.)
  21. proc. of the 6th ACISP SKETHIC : Secure Kernel Extension against Trojan Horses with Information-carrying Codes E. S. Cho(et al.)
  22. Proc. of the Second Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI96) Safe Kernel Extensions Without Run-Time Checking G.C. Necula;P. Lee
  23. Proc. of the Annual Computer Security Application Conference (ACSAC97) Using Kernel Hypervisors to Secure Applications T. Mitchem;R. Lu;R. OBrien
  24. Proc. of the 10th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference Automated Detection of Vulnerabilities in Privileged Programs by Execution Monitoring C. Ko;G. Fink;K. Levitt
  25. proc. of the 3rd USENIX Windows NT Symposium Detours: Binary Interception of Win32 Functions Hunt, Galen
  26. Java Security S. Oaks
  27. proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Secure Execution of Java Applets using a Remote Playground D. Malkhi(et al.)
  28. Techbnical Report, TR98-1664 Enforceable Security Policies F. Schneider
  29. Corba Security B. Blakley
  30. proc. of the 16th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC'00) ITS4: A static vulnerability scanner for C and C++ code J. Viega(et al.)