- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.176 Chemotherapeutic management of transmissible venereal tumor in 30 dogs O, Calvert C;MacEwen EG
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.183 Transmissible venereal tumor of the soft palate in a dog RM, Gorman NT;Probst CW
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.181 Vincrisine for treatment of transmissible venereal tumor in the dog CA, Leifer CE;MacEwen EG
- Adv Cancer Res v.43 The canine transmissible venereal tumor:A unique result of tumor progression
- Eur J Cancer v.9 The biological behavior of the transmissible venereal tumor in immunosuppressed dogs
- Canine Pract v.13 Malignant transmissible venereal tumor Sahay PN;Khann AA
- Cancer Res v.34 Histocompatibility typing and course of canine venereal tumors transplanted into unmodified random dogs RB, Bennett BT
- Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet v.6 Canine transmissible venereal tumorn : A diagnostic dilemma RK, Swayne DE
- Vet Rec v.136 Primary transmissible venereal tumour in the nasal cavity of a dog J, Molleda JM;Novales M;Martin E;Margarito JM;Lopez R
- Vet Rec v.79 Observations on the canine transmissible venereal tumor as seen in the Bahams Higgins DA
- Ann NY Acad Sci v.54 The transmissible venereal tumor of dogs : Observations on forty generations of experimental transfers Karlson AG;Mann FC
- Small Animal Clinical Oncology, (2nd ed.) Transmissible venereal tumor MacEwen EG;Withrow SJ(ed.);MacEwen EG(ed.)
- Vet Pathol v.33 Immunohistochemcal characterization of canine transmissible venereal tumor Mozos E;Mendex A;Gomez-Villamandos JC
- Med Vet Pract v.58 Extragenitally located transmissible venereal tumor in dogs Ndiritu CG;Mobogwa SW;Sayer PD
- Tumors in Domestic Animals, (3rd ed.) Tumors of the genital systems Nielsen SW;Kennedy PC;Moulton JE(ed)
- Can Vet J v.24 Presence of the canine transmissible venereal tumor in the nasal cavity of dogs in the area of Dakar Parent R;Teuscher E;Morin M
- Canine Pract v.19 Primary extragenital occurrence of transmissble venereal tumors: Three case reports Perez J;Bautista MJ;Gomez-Villamandos JC
- Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet v.19 Transmissible venereal tumor Rogers KS
- J Am Anim Hosp Assoc v.34 Transmissible venereal tumor: A retrospective study of 29 cases Rogers KS;Walker MA;Dillon HB
- Atlas of canine and feline cytology(1st ed.) skin and subcutaneous tissues Rose ER;Denny JM
- Vet Radiol v.23 Orthovoltage radiotherapy of canine transmissible vnereal tumors Thrall DE
- J Am Anim Hosp Assoc v.14 Extragenital occurrence of transmissible venereal tumor in the dog: Literature review and case reports Weir EC;Pond MJ;Duncan JR
- J Natl Cancer Inst v.51 Canine transmissible venereal sarcoma: Transplantation studies in neonatal and adult dogs Yang TJ;Jones JB