Primary Transmissible Venereal Tumor in the Nasal Cavity of a Dog

개 원발성 비강내 전염성 성병성 종양 예

  • Published : 2002.09.01


A 9-year-old male Maltese with foamy nasal discharge, respiratory distress, and sneezing followed by epistaxis was presented to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Seoul National University. Radiography showed no significant findings from an open mouth view. Rhinoscopy also did not find any remarkable lesions in the nasal cavity. But when vigorously swabbing the nasal cavity, numerous cells having round nuclei, coarse reticular chromatin, one large nucleolus and distinct cytoplasmic vacuoles, which is typical for canine transmissible venereal tumor cells were collected. We thoroughly searched for any primary transmissible venereal tumor at the other areas of the body other than the nasal cavity, but found none. The patient responded well to vincristine, and the clinical signs resolved with no respiratory distress, sneezing or epistaxis.



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