Production and Characterization of Chitosan from Ginseng-Steaming Effluents by Mucor miehei

  • Kim, Jae-Ho (Department of Genetic Engineering, Paichai University) ;
  • Lee, Ki-Sung (Bio & Medicinal Resources Research Center, Paichai University) ;
  • Kim, Na-Mi (Korea Tobacco and Ginseng Corporation, Central Research Institute) ;
  • Lee, Jong-Soo (Department of Genetic Engineering, Paichai University)
  • 발행 : 2002.10.01


Mucor miehei KCTC 6011, which grew successfully in ginseng-steaming effluents and produced a large amount of chitosan efficiently, was selected from various fungi. Approximately 120 mg of chitosan per g-dry mycelium was maximally produced in 84 h at $25^{\circ}C$ when grown in the ginseng-steaming effluent (pH 8.0) supplemented with 0.5% yeast extract and 0.002% CuSO$_4$. Chitosan produced by Mucor miehei KCTC 6011 was identified by the IR-spectra to have deacety lated approximately 56%. Viscosity and molecular weight of the chitosan were 80 cps and $1.07\times10^3$ kDa, respectively. The chitosan at 1.5 mg/ml inhibited 73.9% of the mycelium growth of Rhizoctonia solani in 60 h.



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