Frequency Effects of Upstream Wake and Blade Interaction on the Unsteady Boundary Layer Flow

  • Kang, Dong-Jin (School of Mechanical Engineering, Yeungnam University) ;
  • Bae, Sang-Su (School of Mechanical Engineering, Yeungnam University)
  • Published : 2002.10.01


Effects of the reduced frequency of upstream wake on downstream unsteady boundary layer flow were simulated by using a Wavier-Stokes code. The Wavier-Stokes code is based on an unstructured finite volume method and uses a low Reynolds number turbulence model to close the momentum equations. The geometry used in this paper is the MIT flapping foil experimental set-up and the reduced frequency of the upstream wake is varied in the range of 0.91 to 10.86 to study its effect on the unsteady boundary layer flow. Numerical solutions show that they can be divided into two categories. One is so called the low frequency solution, and behaves quite similar to a Stokes layer. Its characteristics is found to be quite similar to those due to either a temporal or spatial wave. The low frequency solutions are observed clearly when the reduced frequency is smaller than 3.26. The other one is the high frequency solution. It is observed for the reduced frequency larger than 7.24. It shows a sudden shift of the phase angle of the unsteady velocity around the edge of the boundary layer. The shift of phase angle is about 180 degree, and leads to separation of the boundary layer flow from corresponding outer flow. The high frequency solution shows the characteristics of a temporal wave whose wave length is half of the upstream frequency. This characteristics of the high frequency solution is found to be caused by the strong interaction between unsteady vortices. This strong interaction also leads to destroy of the upstream wake strips inside the viscous sublayer as well as the buffer layer.



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