The Characterization of Surface Ozone Concentrations in Seoul, Koera

  • Heo, Jeong-Sook (Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Environment and Applied Chemistry, Industrial Liaison Research Institute, Kyung-Hee University) ;
  • Kim, Dong-Sool (Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Environment and Applied Chemistry, Industrial Liaison Research Institute, Kyung-Hee University)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


This paper provides a long-term perspective for ozone concentrations at 20 national air quality monitoring sites in Seoul from 1989 to 1998, which were managed by the Korean Ministry of Environment. Ozone episodes occurred more frequently in the east areas (Bangi, Guui, Seongsu, and Ssangmun) than in the west area (Guro and Oryu). When an ozone episode happened, hourly ozone concentrations over 80 ppb continued for an average of 4.0 hours at all sites. Annual variations in daily mean and maximum oBone concentrations showed broadly consistent upward trends at Ssangmun and Gwanaksan. Monthly mean ozone concentrations were the highest from May to June and the 99$^{th}$ and 95$^{th}$ percentile levels appeared higher during June, July, and August. The diurnal patterns of hourly mean ozone levels in urban areas showed typical photochemical formation and destruction, while the flat diurnal shape before 1996 at Gwanaksan indicated few significant photochemical reactions due to a lack of precursors of ozone. The occurrence of ozone over 80 ppb was ascribed to meteorological conditions such as high temperature, strong solar radiation, low relative humidity, and low wind speed with winds most frequently in a westerly direction.



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