저전력 멀티미디어 소프트웨어 기술

  • Published : 2002.10.01




  1. Proceedings of EIST BK21 Annual Symposium Low-power Technologies in Wireless Comunication S. Lee
  2. Proceedings of International Symposium on Low-Power Electronics and Design Wireless beyond the Third Generation J. Rabaey
  3. Low Power Digital CMOS Design A. Chandrakasan;R. Brodersen
  4. Proceedings of Design Automation Conference Run-dtime Viltage Hopping for Low-Power Real-Time Systems S. Lee;T. Sakurai
  5. IEEE Design and Test of Computers v.18 no.2 Intra-Task Voltage Scheduling for Low-Energy Hard Real-Time Applications D.Shin;J. Kim;S. Lee
  6. Proceedings of International Symposium on Low-Power Electronics and Design Cooling and POwer Considerations for Semiconductors into the Next Century C. Belady
  7. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 13818 Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio
  8. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 14496 Coding of Audio-Visual Objects
  9. IEEETransactions on Communications v.29 no.12 Displacement Measurement and Its Application in Interframe Image Coding J. Jain;A. Jain
  10. IEEETransactions on Communications v.23 no.1 Discrete Cosine Transform N. Ahmed;T. Natarajan;K. Rao
  11. Proceedings of IRE v.40 A Method for the Construction of Minimum Redundancy Codes D. Huffman
  12. Microsoft Windows media web. Microsoft
  13. Proceedings of International Solid-State Circuits Conferences A Dynamic Voltage Scaled Microprocessor System T. Burd (et al.)
  14. Proceedings on National Telecommunication Conference v.G.5.3.1-5.3.5 Motion Compensated Interframe Coding for Video Conferencing T. Koga;K. Ilnuma;K. Hirano;Y. Iijima;T. Ishiguro
  15. IEEETransactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology v.4 no.1 Accuracy Improvement and Cost Reduction of 3-step Search Block Matching Algorithm for Video Coding H. Jong;L. Chen;T. Chiueh
  16. IEEETransactions on Consumer Electronics v.45 no.2 A Fast Motion Estimation for Software Based Real-Time Video Coding J. Kim; T. Choi
  17. Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition Adaptive Early Jump-out Technique for Fast Motion Estimation in Video Coding H. Huang;Y. Hung;W. Hwang
  18. IEEETransactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology v.11 no.1 A New Computationally Adaptive formulation of Block-Matching Motion Estimation V. Moshnyaga
  19. IEEETransactions on Communications v.25 no.9 A Fast Computational Algorithm for the Discrete Cosine Transform W. Chen;C. Smith;S. Fralick
  20. IEEE Journal of Soild-state Circuits v.35 no.5 A Low-Power DCT Core Using Adaptive Bitwidth and Arithmetic Activity Exploiting Signal Correlations and Quantization T. Xanthopoulos;A. Chandrakasan
  21. Computers as Components W. Wolf
  22. IEEETransactions on Multimedia v.1 no.2 Low Power Memory Storage and Transfer Organization for the MPEG-4 Full Pel Motion Estimation on a Multimedia Processor E. Brockmeyer;L. Nachtergaele;F. Catthoor;J. Bormans;H. De Man
  23. IEEETransactions on VLSI Systems v.6 no.4 Formalized Methodology for Data Reuse Exploration for low-Power Hierarchical Memory Mapping J. Diguet;S. Wuytack;F. Catthoor;H. De Man
  24. IEEETransactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology v.8 no.6 Program Transformation Strategies for Memory Size and Power Reduction of Pseudoregular Multimedia Subsystems E. Greef;F. Catthoor;H. De Man
  25. Transmeta Corporation web. Transmeta Corporation
  26. Proceedings of Design Automation conference Low-Energy Intra-Task Voltage Scheduling Using Static Timing Analysis D. Shin;J. Kim;S. Lee
  27. Proceedings of International Symposium on Low-Power Electronics and Design A Profile-Based Energy-Efficient INtra-Task Voltage Scheduling Algorithm for Hard Real-Time Applications D. Shin;J. Kim
  28. Proceedings of International Symposium on Low-Power Electronics and Design Energy Priority Scheduling for Variable Voltage Processors J. Pouwelse;K. Langendoen;H. Sips
  29. Intel
  30. Proceedings of International Symposium on Low-Power Electronics and Design Dynamic Voltage Scheduling Technique for Low-Power Multimedia Applications using Suffers C. Im;H. Kim;S. Ha
  31. To appear in Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers Energy-Constrained VDD/VTH Hopping Scheme with Run-Time Power Estimation for Low-Power Real-Time VLSI Systems S. Lee;T. Sakurai