가변 전압 프로세서를 위한 저전력 소프트웨어 설계 기법

  • 발행 : 2002.10.01




  1. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits v.25 no.2 Alpha-power Law MOSFET Model and Its Application to CMOS Inverter Dealy and Other Formulars T. Sakurai;A. Netwon
  2. Crusoe Processor Transmeta Corporation
  3. PowerNow! Technology AMD Corporation
  4. Intel XScale Technology Intel Corporation
  5. Proceedings of the Symposium on Operating systems Design and Implementation Scheduling for Reduced CPU Energy M. Weiser;B. Welch;A. Demers;S. Shenker
  6. Proceedings of the First Annual International Conference on Mobil Computing and Networking Comparing Algorithm for Dynamic Speed-Setting of a Lower-Power CPU K. Gavil;E. Chan;G. Wasserman
  7. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation Policies for Dynamic Clock Scheduling D. grunwald;P. Levis;K. I. Farkas
  8. Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2001 A Middleware Framework Coordinating Processor/Power Resource Management for Multimedia Applications W. Yuan;K. Nahrstedt
  9. Proceedings the 12th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV '02) Integration of Dynamic Voltage Scaling and Soft Real-Time Scheduling for Open Mobile Systems W. Yuan;K. Nahrstedt
  10. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design Power Optimization of Real-Time Embedded Systems on Variable Speed Processors Y. Shin;K. Choi;T. Sakurai
  11. Proceedings of the Design Automation and test in Europe (DATE'02) A Dynamic Voltage Scaling Algorithm for Dynamic-Priority Hard Real-Time Systems Using Slack Time Analysis W. Kim;J. Kim;S. L. Min
  12. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design Hard Real-Time Scheduling Using Stochastic Data and DVS Processors F. Gruian
  13. Proceedings of the 18th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Priniciples (SOSP'01) Real-Time Dynamic Voltage Scaling for Low-Power Embedded Operating Systems P. Pillai;K. G. Shin
  14. Proceedings of IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium Dynamic and Aggressive Scheduling Techniques for Power-Aware Real-Time Systems H. Aydin;R. Melhem;D. MOsse;P. M. Alvarez
  15. Proceedings of the 37th Design Automation Conference Run-time Voltage Hopping for Lowpower Real-Time Systems S. Lee;T. Sakurai
  16. IEEE Design and Test of Computers v.18 no.2 Intra-Task Voltage Scheduling for Low-Energy Hard Real-Time Applications D. Shin;J. Kim;S. Lee