건물 리모델링 경제성 평가 요소에 관한 연구

A Study on Evaluation Element of Economic Efficiency in Building Remodeling

  • 차준석 (연세대학교 건축공학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


In greeting the 21st century, the Importance of Building Remodeling has increased more than ever. And it has become necessary to consider Economic efficiency in Building Remodeling. This Study is intended to investigate needing of Remodeling sections for the Building Owner and Remodeling Constructor. And it has become necessary to consider Economic Efficiency in Building Remodeling for Needer and Supplier. In this context, this study is focused on the "Evaluation element of Economic Efficiency in Building Remodeling". The Survey of office Building Constructor and Building owner shows that importance of Remodeling. Through this study, the flow of construction information is elevated reaching the level in advanced nation.



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