프뢰벨 은물의 형식범주에 나타난 건축공간관계 및 형태구축에 관한 연구

A study on the spatial relations and shape rules in architecture shown the Froebel's categories of building gifts

  • 발행 : 2002.04.01


This study was performed to construct the spatial systems and shape grammars in architecture based on Froebel's educational idea and building gifts. Especially, it studies on the geometrical principles of Froebel's building gifts and it's types, and then illustrates applied examples about design vocabularies, spatial relations and shape rules of the spatial systems and shape grammars in architecture. The conclusions of this study that starts these purpose are as follows. First, Froebel's educational theory is based on principles and rules which are perceived through the observation of nature, and Froebel's kindergarten method consists of geometrical building gifts and categories of geometrical forms. Second, the characteristics of Froebel's building gifts are mathematical size, proportion, symmetry and the rules of spatial relation. Third, the development to the construction of spatial systems and shape grammars in architecture focus on the vocabularies of architectural elements, and Froebel's building gifts are used for illustration of examples in these formula.



  1. 프뢰벨의 유아교육이론 연구 곽노의
  2. 프뢰벨의 교육사상과 킨더카르텐 박덕주(편역)
  3. The Bauhaus Hans M. Wingler
  4. A Testament F. L. Wrighr
  5. Environment and Planning B v.3 Tow Exercise in Formal composition G. Stiny
  6. Environment and planning B v.7 Kindergarten grammars: designing with Froebel's Building gifts G. Stiny
  7. 한국실내디자인학회 논문집 no.26 프뢰벨의 킨더가르텐 시스템이 근대건축과 디자인에 미친 영향에 관한 연구 황태주
  8. Gitfs 황태주
  9. Froebel's Kindergarten influence of Friedrich Froebel 1782-1852 Valerie Ellington
  10. influence of Friedrich Froebel on Frank Lloyd Wright Valerie Ellington