농촌마을 정비 특성별 어메니티 평가

The Evaluation of Amenities of Rural Villages

  • 장은숙 (농업기반공사 농어촌연구원) ;
  • 전영미 (농업기반공사 농어촌연구원) ;
  • 박윤호 (농업기반공사 농어촌연구원)
  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


This research is related to the evaluation of rural amenities. Since the UR negotiations, the wave of market liberalization has brought many difficulties to the rural areas. This paper serves to identify a number of important elements such as socialization, cultural and ecological resources and investigate the viability of rural areas. The purpose of this study is to evaluate rural amenities by evaluation indices and establish planning direction of amenities for rural areas. The data have been collected by methods of a field survey and a questionnaire survey. The evaluation indices have been defined as socialization, safety, amenity and convenience by several researches. Villages have been divided into two groups. Seven(Shimchon, Ibaek, Muan, Dokpyong-li, Imchin-li Hyangyang-li, Wonwol-li) have been newly constructed, six(baeksa, Mokmyon, yongho-li, shindyae-li, hwangdun·songgae) have been redeveloped. There are considerable differences in the degree of satisfaction between he two groups. The results are as follows: 1) socialization is very necessary for amenities in rural villages. Especially the values of the resident's interactions and management of the village are most important in the preparation of an amenity plan in rural areas. So the plans and establishment of public facilities are requisite for the residents community. 2) The convenience of rural public facility plans is necessary for the improvement of the farmers'living conditions. For planning the rural villages, special regards are paid to characteristics of the village, such as the former place of residence and occupations. 3) Newly constructed village should improve their socialization and the redeveloped types should try to get a better life for amenity and safety, The residents of the redeveloped types show relatively high degree of satisfaction with indices of resident community, living convenience facilities, and management of village. On the contrary, amenity and safety are good in newly constructed types. This study has taken into consideration the characteristics of rural villages. It makes a contribution to the redevelopment of rural villages and improves amenities in rural villages. It is recommended that more studies classify the resources of rural areas and measure amenities which are significant to city dwellers in the future.



  1. 한국조경학회지 v.18 no.4 쾌적한 도시환경의 창출을 위한 도시 어메니티 구조의 해석에 관한 연구 김승환;변문기
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  5. 대한국토도시계획학회지(국토계획) v.34 no.102 경기도 6개도시의 어메니티 평가에 관한 기초적 연구 성현찬;이동근
  6. 대한국토.도시계획학회지 v.34 no.103 수원시 어메니티 환경의 평가와 개선방안 이양주
  7. 한국조경학회지 v.26 no.3 공동주택 주거환경의 어메니티 중요인자에 관한 연구 이재준
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  10. 농어촌과 환경 v.73 no.12 일본에서의 환경과 어메니티를 고려한 농업.농촌정비 中村民池
  11. 농어촌과 환경 v.73 no.12 어메니티 지향 시대의 농촌정비 방향 최수명
  12. The Contribution of Amenities to rural development