노년기 부부의 결혼특성요인과 결혼안정성

Characteristics of the Marriage and Marital Stability among Elderly Couples

  • 김태현 (성신여자대학교 가족문화소비자학과) ;
  • 전길양 (성신여자대학교 가족문화소비자학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of marital characteristics on the marital stability among the elderly couples. Each participant was measured using a scale for the concept of marriage, a scale for marital coherence, a marital stress scale, a coping behavior scale and a marital stability scale. Elderly people who have a living spouse and who are living In Seoul were recruited. The data from two hundred and forty participants over 60-years-old were used in the final analyses. Major findings are as follows First, demographic factors such as educational level, health, economic status, the main source of income, and employment status appeared to significantly predict the elderly folks'marital stability Second, gender seems to be a factor In elderly couples'experience of marital stability. Husbands perceived marital stability to be higher than wives did. Third, the perception of marital stress, positive coping behavior and marital coherence influence the marital stability of the elderly couples. That is, the less elderly couples perceived marital stress and the less they relied on negative coping behaviors, the higher they perceived marital stability. These results imply that a healthful coping behavior to marital stress is important in enhancing marital stability for elderly couples.



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