• Yilmaz, L. (Civil Engineering Faculty, Hydraulic Division, Technical University of Istanbul) ;
  • Singh, Vijay P. (Dept. of Civil and Env. Engineering, Louisiana State University) ;
  • Mishra, S.K. (National Institute of Hydrology) ;
  • Adrian, D.D. (Dept. of Civil and Env. Engineering, Louisiana State University) ;
  • Sansalone, J.J. (Dept. of Civil and Env. Engineering, Louisiana State University)
  • 발행 : 2002.07.01


Experiments were conducted in an initially straight laboratory alluvial channel to investigate channel meandering characteristics. The experimental observations revealed an empirical relation between three types of tortuosity ratios used for describing meandering characteristics. Furthermore, the Strauhal number was found to be higher for bed material with greater resistance to erosion than with lower resistance to erosion. The meandering characteristics were also investigated using the concept of buckling employed in solid mechanics and the concept of siphoning of fluid mechanics. The buckling of flow, attributable to the flow nonuniformity across the channel cross-section, was found to follow the same pattern as did meandering observed experimentally. The processes of expansion of meanders and cut-off can be explained using the concept of siphoning. The results of expanding meander planforms observed in four experimental tests supported the viability of these concepts.



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