• 발행 : 2002.07.01


This study presents the theoretical approach for volume concentration, velocity profile, and granular discharge on the fluid-granule mixed flow downstream of the scour hole at the outlet of the hydraulic structure. Concept of dilatant model was applied for the stress-strain relationships of fluid-granule mixed flow since the flow downstream of the scour hole corresponds to debris flow, where momentum transfers through particle collisions. Mathematical formulations were derived using momentum equation and stress-strain relation of the fluid-granule mixture. Velocity profile under the assumption of uniform concentration over flowing layer showed the downward convex type. Deposition angle of downstream hump was found to be a function of an upstream slope angle, a dynamic friction angle and a volume concentration irrespective of flow itself, Granular discharge and the overflow depth were obtained with given values of inflow rates. Experimental results showed relatively good agreements with theoretical ones.



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