• 발행 : 2002.09.01


Consider the Convex Polygon Pm={Al , A2, ‥‥, Am} With Vertex points A$\_$i/ = (a$\_$i/, b$\_$i/),i : 1,‥‥, m, interior P$\^$0/$\_$m/, and length of perimeter denoted by L(P$\_$m/). Let R$\_$n/ = {B$_1$,B$_2$,‥‥,B$\_$n/), where B$\_$i/=(x$\_$i/,y$\_$I/), i =1,‥‥, n, denote a regular polygon with n sides of equal length and equal interior angle. Kaiser[4] used the regular polygon R$\_$n/ to approximate P$\_$m/, and the problem examined in his work is to position R$\_$n/ with respect to P$\_$m/ to minimize the area of the symmetric difference between the two figures. In this paper we give the quality of a approximating regular polygon R$\_$n/ to approximate P$\_$m/.



  1. Algorithmica v.21 Matching convex shapes with respect to the symmetric difference H. Alt;U. Fuchs;G. Rote;G. Weber
  2. Theory Comput. Systems v.31 Computing the maximum overlap of two convex polygons under translations M. de Berg(et al.)
  3. BCS Associates Theory of Comvex Bodies T. Bonnesen;W. Fenchel
  4. Appl. Math. Lett. v.11 no.6 Regular Steiner Polygons M.J. Kaiser
  5. Computational Geometry, An Introduction(2nd edition) F. P. Preparate;M. I. Shamos