• Li, Zhaoxiang (, Institute of Mathematics , Northern Jiaotong University) ;
  • Liu, Yanpei (Institute of Mathematics, Northern Jiaotong University)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


In this paper we study the rooted loopless maps on the sphere and the projective plane with the valency of root-face and the number of edges as parameters. Explicit expression of enumerating function is obtained for such maps on the sphere and the projective plane. A parametric expression of the generating function is obtained for such maps on the projective plane, from which asymptotic evaluations are derived.



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  2. J. Combin. Theory v.A 43 The asymptotic number of rooted maps on a surface E.A.Bender;E.R. Canfield
  3. Discrete Math. v.54 The number of loopless planar maps E.A.Bender;N.C.Wormald
  4. J. Combin. Theory v.B 53 The number of rooted 2-connected triangular maps on the projective Z.C.Gao
  5. Enumerative Theory of Maps Yanpei Liu
  6. Acta Math. Appl. Sinica v.2 Enumerating rooted loopless planar maps Yanpei Liu
  7. Acta Math. Scientia v.10 On the vertex partition equation of rooted loopless planar maps Yanpei Liu
  8. J. Combin. Theory v.B 81 4-regular maps on the klein bottle Han Ren;Yanpei Liu
  9. Discrete Math. v.223 Bisingular maps on the sphere and the projective plane Han Ren;Yanpei Liu
  10. Canad. J. Math. v.14 A census of planar triangulations W.T.Tutte
  11. Canad. J. Math. v.14 A census of slicings W.T.Tutte
  12. Canad. J. Math. v.15 A census of planar maps W.T.Tutte