한국 연안여객선업체의 재무상태 분석과 경영개선 방안

Analysis of Financial Ratios of the Korean Coastal Passenger Shipping Company and Proposal for Improving their Business Performances

  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


This paper discusses the analysis of financial ratios of the Korean coastal passenger shipping company 1997 and 2000. Coastal passenger shipping company shows a very high ratio of the fixed-assets because these shipping company own relatively expensive ships. The current debts are composed of short-term borrowings and lease and the ratio of the current debts is rather high considering to the size of shipping company. The equity ratio of passenger shipping company has recently been decreased, but the debt ratio has been increased. Both the profitability and activity ratios have grown worse in recent years. In order to improve the performance of coastal passenger shipping company, they should develop the leisure facilities and good items to attract travellers.



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