- Cholera, in priciples of bacterilogy,viology and immunity (Vol 3) Attride,S.R.;D.Rawley;Smith,G.R.(eds.);C.S.F.Edward(eds.)
- J.Med. v.300 Disease caused by marine Vibrio N.Engl. Blake,P.A;M.H.Merson;R.E.Weaver;D.G Hollis;P.C. Heublen
- Infect.Immun v.45 Vibrio chloerae hemagglutinin/protease nicks cholera enterotoxin Booth,B.A.;M.Boesman-Finkelstiein;R.A.Finkelstein
- Anal.Biochem v.72 A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein using the principle of protein-dye binding Bradford,M.M.
- Jpn.J.Vet.Sci. v.50 Enterotoxigenic suvstance and other toxins produced by Vibrio fluvialis and Vibrio funissii Chikahara,M.;K.Hamada.
- J.Clin.Microbiol. v.14 Characterization of biochemically atypical Vibrio cholerae stanis and designation of a new pathogenic species, Vibrio mimicus Davis,B.R.;G.R.Franing;J.M.Madden;A.G.Steingerwatt;H.B.Braford;H.L.Smith ;D.J.Brenner
- FEMS Microbiol Lett v.27 Characteriziation of enterotoxin and soluble hemagglutinin from Vibrio mimicus:Identity with Vibrio cholerae O1 toxin and hemagglutinin Dotevall,H.G.;G.Jonesom-Stomberg;S.Sanyal ;J.Holmgren
- Infect.Immun v.65 Cloning,characterization and choromosomal mapping of a phospholipase (leci-thinase) produed by Vibrio cholerae Fiore,A.E.;J.M.Michaski;R.G.Russel;C.L.Sears;J.B.Kapper
- Med.J.Oskaa Univ v.4 On the bacteriological examination of shirasu-food poisoning Fujino,T.;Y.Kuno;D.Nakada;A.Aoyama;K.Fukai;T.Mukai;T.Ueno
- Rev.Med.Microbiol v.4 The pathogenicity of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and the role of the thermostable direct hemolysin and related hemolysin Honda,T.;T.Iita
- Infect.Immun v.56 Purification and characterization of a hemolysin produced vy a clinical isolation of kanagawa phenomenon-negative Vibrio parahaemolyticus and realted to the thermostable diect homlysin Honda,T.;Y.Ni;T.Miwatani
- Can.J.Microbiol v.38 The thermeostable direct hemolysin of Vibrio parahaemolyticus is pore-frming toxin Honda,T.;Y.Ni.;T.Miwatani;T,Adachi;J.Kim
- Biochem.Biophys.Acta. v.1394 Cloning and identification of a phospholipase gene from Vibrio mimicus Kang,J.H.;J.H.Lee;J.H.Park;S.H.Huh;I.S.Kong
- Vibrio cholerae and cholera:Molecular Global Perspecitives Toxins of Vibrio cholerae Kaper,J.B.;A.Fasano;M.Trucksis;Wachsemuth(eds.);I,K.P.A.Blake(eds.);Φ.Olsvik(eds.)
- Nature v.227 Cleavage of strctural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4 Laemmli,U.K.
- Biochem.Biophys.Acta. v.1384 Isolaiton and sequence analysis of metalloprotease gene from Vibrio mimicus Lee,J.H.;G.T.Kim;J.Y.Lee;H.K.Jun;J.H.Yu;I.S.Kong
- J.Appl.Bacteriol v.45 the taxinomy of group F organism: ralationships to Vibrio and Aeromonas Lee,J.V.;P.Shered;A.L.Furniss
- Infect.Immun v.28 Simplified prurificaiton and biophysicoshemical characteristics of kanagawa pheonomenon associated hemolysin of Honda,T.;Y.Ni;T.Miwatani
- Infect.Immun v.28 Simplified prurificaiton and biophysicoshemical characteristics of kanagawa pheonomenon associated hemolysin of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Miyamoto,y.;Y.Obara;T.Nikkawa;S.Yamai;T.Kato,Y.Yamada;M.Ohaeshi
- J.Am.Acad.Dermatol v.24 Vibrio vulnificus septicemia in Korea: Clinical and epidemiological finding in seventy patients Park,S.D.;H.S.Sohn;N.J.Joh
- J.Gene.Microbial v.137 Purification and characterization fo a lecithin dependent hemolysin from Escherichia coli transformed gy a Vibrio parahaemolyticus gene Shinoda;S.H.Matsuoaka;T.Tsuchie;S.I.Miyoshi;S.Yamamoto;H.Taniguich;Y.Mizuguchi
- Infect.Immun v.46 Production and partial characterization of Vibrio fluvialis cytoxin Wall,V.W;A.S.Kreger;S.H.Richardson