Measurements of the Ground Resistance using the Test Current Transition Method in Powered Grounding Systems

측정전류전이법을 이용한 운전중인 접지시스템의 접지저항 측정

  • Published : 2002.08.01


This paper presents an accurate method for measuring the ground resistance in powered grounding system. Most of substations and electric power equipments are interconnected to an extensive grounding network of overhead ground wires, neutral conductors of transmission lines, cable shields, and etc. The parasitic effects due to circulating ground currents and ground potential rise make a significant error in measuring the ground resistance. The test current transition method was proposed to reduce the effects of stray ground currents, ground potential rise and harmonic components in measurements of the ground resistance for powered grounding systems. The instrumental error of the test current transition method is decreased as the ratio of the test current signal to noise(S/N) increases. It was found from the test results that the proposed measuring method of the ground resistance is more accurate than the conventional fall-of-potential method or low-pass filter method, and the measuring error was less than 3[%]when S/N is 10.



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