미국 서북부 Cheeka Peak에서의 수송에 따른 봄철 CO와 O3의 특성

Characteristics of Springtime CO and O3 according to Transport at Cheeka Peak Observatory(CPO), Northwest of USA

  • 전병일 (신라대학교 바이오환경공학부)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


Cheeka Peak is a unique site for monitoring the background chemistry and aerosol contents of pristine marine air at mid-latitude. During long-range onshore winds that occur frequently throughout the year, it is predicted to have the cleanest air in the northern hemisphere. Measurements of CO and O$_3$were conducted at Cheeka Peak Observatory(CPO) on the northwestern tip of Washington state, USA during March 6 ∼May 29, 2001. The data have been segregated to quantify the mixing ratio of these species in the Pacific marine atmosphere. Also the marine air masses were further classified into four categories based on 10-day backward isentropic trajectories; high, mid, and low latitude and those which had crossed over the Asian industrial region. The diurnal variation of CO and O$_3$at CPO showed a similar to tendency of background measurement site. When marine air mass flowed to CPO, CO concentration was lower and O$_3$was similar or higher than those of total data. The westerly flow from ocean, not easterly from continent occurred the high concentration of CO and O$_3$at CPO. Using the trajectory segregation of marine air mass, the comparison of concentration according to latitude calculated. the CO concentration of Asian trajectory was lower than other latitudes, O$_3$concentration was higher.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Role of Transport on Aerosol Concentration at Crater Lake, Oregon USA vol.11, pp.7, 2002,