In human U-937 cell exposed to ${\gamma}$-irradiation and $H_2O$$_2$, the level of mRNA efrpression in ceruloplasmin gene was measured by using comparative RT.PCR (reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction). At the normal growth condition, the level of ceruloplasmin transcript was estimated as 8.2% and 0.0068% of hprt (hypoxantine phosphoribosyl transferase) transcript and of $\beta$-actin transcript, respectively. In U-937 cells exposed to a dose of 100 rad ${\gamma}$-irradiation, the level of ceruloplasmin transcript was increased about 2.7 and 1.6 fold compared to un-treated cell by using compensation with the levels of hprt and $\beta$-actin transcript. By contrast, the expression of ceruloplasmin gene in U-937 cells exposed to $H_2O$$_2$(50 $\mu$M, 24 h), was shown no significant difference compared to un-treated cell. These results indicated that the expression system of ceruloplasmin gene may react only some specific oxygen species, such as reactive oxygen species induced by ${\gamma}$-irradiation.