A Study on the Fertigation of Swine Liquid Manure for Broccoli and Celely Western Vegetables

돈분뇨 발효액을 이용한 녹색꽃양배추 및 양미나리 관비재배 실용화 연구

  • Published : 2002.02.01


This study was carried out to optimize the fertigation method using fermented swine liquid manure for the growth of two western vegetables, broccoli and celery. Plants were grown in a rain-shelter house and fertilized with a range of dilutions(efflux 5 dilution=Ef. 5, efflux 10 dilution=Ef. 10, efflux 25 dilution=Ef. 25, and efflux 50 dilution=Ef. 50) of the liquid manure or with conventional application of N : P$_2$O$\_$5/ : K$_2$O = 200 : 70 : 500kg/ha for broccoli, 250 : 210 : 240 kg/ha for celery as controls. After harvest, soil pH and K content decreased after using a high concentration of the liquid manure, Ef. 5, than after treatment with weaker concentrations at Ef. 25 and Ef. 50. On the other hand, soil electrical conductivity, content of P$_2$O$\_$5/, organic matter, total nitrogen, and NO$_3$-N at Ef. 5 increased as concentration of swine liquid manure increased. After harvest, available P$_2$O$\_$5/ in plant tissue did not differ significantly between any of the treatments. In broccoli, the lower concentration (Ef. 50) of swine liquid manure increased flowering over the other treatments, perhaps because the level of absorption into the plants is higher with lower concentration. The amounts of K and Ca in plant tissue were greatest after Ef. 25 and Ef. 50 treatments. Plant growth was best at Ef. 50 in broccoli, head height, head width, and head weight were the best with Ef. 25 and Ef. 50 treatments after harvest. In celery, leaf length was greater after Ef. 25 and Ef. 50 treatments than any other treatments. Total yield of celery of Ef. 25 and Ef. 50 treatments was twice that of conventional cultivation. On the other hand, yield severely decreased after application of high-concentration treatment at Ef. 5. In conclusion, fertigation of swine liquid manure, diluted in the range of Ef. 25 to Ef. 50, could improve yield and quality in broccoli and celery.

돈분뇨 발효액을 이용하여 녹색꽃양배추, 양미나리 관비재배 효과를 검정하고 이때의 적정 액비농도를 구명하고자 돈분뇨 발효액을 5, 10, 25 그리고 50배 희석(Ef. 5, Ef. 10, Ef. 25, Ef. 50)하여 시험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 작물 재배 후 토양분석결과 두 작물 공히 산도 및 칼륨은 액비농도가 진한 Ef. 5 처리구에서 낮았으나, Ef. 25, Ef. 50 처리구에서는 높았다. 반면 전기 전도도, 인산, 유기물함량, 그리고 질산태 질소는 액비농도가 낮은 Ef. 50 처리구에서 낮았으며, Ef. 5 처리구에서는 높아지는 경향이었다. 식물체 분석은 두작물 공히 총 질소는 액비농도가 진해짐에 따라 식물체내의 농도가 증가되었다. 유효 인산은 처리구에 관계없이 큰 차이가 없었다. 생육과 수량을 살펴보면 녹색꽃양배추의 경우 엽장, 엽폭 및 초장은 Ef. 50에서 생육이 가장 좋았다. 화뢰고와 화뢰폭은 액비농도가 낮은 Ef. 25와 Ef. 50 처리구에서 큰 것으로 나타났으며, 화뢰중 또한 무거웠다. 양미나리 는 엽장에서 Ef. 25와 Ef. 50 처리구에서 컸으며 ,수량은 관행대비 Ef. 25와 Ef. 50 처리구에서 각각 2배 증수되었으나, 고농도 처리인 Ef. 5에서 큰 폭으로 감소되었다. 이상의 결과 녹색꽃양배추 및 양미나리의 관비재배시 발효돈분뇨의 희석농도는 25∼50배가 적정한 것으로 나타났다.



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