Single Oral Toxicity of (R)-JG-381 in Sprague-Dawley Rats

SD랫드에서 (R)-JG-381의 단희경구독성시험

  • 이상호 (한국화학연구원 안전성연구센터) ;
  • 오우용 (한국화학연구원 안전성연구센터) ;
  • 김종춘 (한국화학연구원 안전성연구센터) ;
  • 주상섭 (서울대학교 약학대학) ;
  • 박형근 (서울대학교 약학대학) ;
  • 함광수 ((주)태평양제약 중앙연구소) ;
  • 조장섭 ((주)태평양제약 중앙연구소) ;
  • 이선미 (성균관대학교 약학대학)
  • Published : 2002.03.01


A single administration toxicity of (R)-JG-381 was studied in Sprague-Dawley rats of both sexes. In this study, rats were administered orally with dose of 50, 100, 200, 400 and 800 mg/kg of(R)-JG-381. We daily examined number of deaths, clinical signs, body weights and gross findings fur 14 days after (R)-JG-381 administration. When we administered different doses of 100, 200, 400 and 800 mg/kg, we found 5, 3, 5 and 5 male rats and 1, 4, 4 and 5 female rats dead within 1 day after administration, respectively. Some clinical signs(decrease of locomotor activity, decreased respiration rate, lacrimation, prone position) were observed during the experimental period. Our findings suggest that oral $LD_{50}s$(95% confidence limit) for male and female rats are 93.8mg/kg (28.8~161.6mg/kg) and 166.3mg/kg (89. I~284.8mg/kg), respectively.



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