육성 중인 Thoroughbred 망아지에서 회맹장 중첩 1례

Ileocecal Intussusception in a Growing Thoroughbred Filly

  • 양재혁 (한국마사회 제주경주마육성목장) ;
  • 양영진 (한국마사회 제주경주마육성목장) ;
  • 조길재 (한국마사회 제주경주마육성목장) ;
  • 김성희 (제주대학교 수의학과) ;
  • 김영주 (제주대학교 수의학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


An acute colic in a 6-month-old Thoroughbred filly is described. The filly was presented with acute colic haracterized by rolling and pawing. Over a period of days she suffered from severe abdominal pain and subsequently died. ost mortem examination revealed the ileocecal intrssusception as a part invagination of the ileum into the cecum. It seems ogical to assume that the invagination occurred at the start of the illness. In addition, it is also noted the presence of Parascaris quorum in the stomach.



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  22. 최신수의 기생충학 이재구