SW프로세스능력에 관한 현황과 기업성과에 관한 연구

An Empirical Research for the Software Process Capability and Organizational Performance in Korea

  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


Recently, increasing attention has been paid to building the software quality and software productivity due to ongoing software crisis. To overcome such problem, one of the many alternatives is to use the capability maturity model (CMM) suggested by the Software Engineering Institute(SEI), focusing on the improvement of software progress. This research is proposed the theoretical framework for CMM based on the previous studies, and review the status of software process on the software development organization. We then examine the impact of the software process capability on the organizational performance including financial measures and non-financial measures. Hypotheses on software process capability were tested 144 organizational units. The 62.5% of foreign companies are distribute to the second and third level, the Korean firms in this study are indicated the first level. Result indicate that maturity of software process may be served the key predictor of organizational performance, in particular the positive relationship between the software process and non-financial performance index such as customer service, IT Infrastructure, marketing, supplier and purchaser, production and operation.



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