- Zuchthygiene v.10 Insemination with frozen dog semen based on a new insemination technique Andersen K
- J Dairy Sci v.70 Glycerolation and thawing effects on bull spermatozoa frozen in detergent-treated egg yolk and whole egg extenders Arriola J;Foote RH
- Cryobiology v.31 Osmotic effects on ram and human sperm membrane in relation to thawing injury Curry MR;Watson PF
- J Reprod Fert(suppl) v.47 Effects of four different extenders and three different thawing rates on post-thaw viability of dog semen Dobrinsky I;Lulaic;Barth AD(et al.)
- J Reprod Pert Hypo-osmotic swelling of dog spermatozoa England GCW;Plunmer JM
- PhD Theisis. University of London The cryopreservation of canine semen England GCW
- J Reprod Fert Studies on freezing dog spermatozoa: effect of glycerol on motility after thawing Fontbonne A;Badinand F
- Cryobiology v.29 Glycerol permeability of human spermatozoa and its activation energy Gao DY;Mazur P;Kleinhans FW;Watson PF;Noiles EF;Critser JK
- Meth Enzymol v.56 Properties of detergents Helenius A;McCaslin DR;Fries E;Tandford C
- Biol Reprod v.46 Freeze-induced membrane damage in ram spermatozoa is manifested after thawing: observation with experimental cryomicroscopy Holt WV;Head MF;North RD
- Biol Reprod v.51 Effects of temperature and restoration of osmotic equilibrium during thawing on the induction of plasma membrane damage in cryopereserved ram spermatozoa Holt WV;North RD
- Teriogenology v.41 Effects of storage on sperm membrane integrity and other functional characteristics of canine spermatozoa : in vitro bioassay for canine semen Kumi-Diaka J;Badtram G
- Vet Clin No Anim Prac v.21 Achieving canine pregnancy by using frozen of chilled extended semen Linde-Forsberg C
- J Repord Fert Fertility in dogs in relation to semen quality and the time and site of insemination with fresh and frozen semen Linde-Forsberg C;Forsberg M
- J Reprod Fert Results of 527 controlled artificial inseminations in dogs Linde-Forsberg C;Forsberg M
- Theriogenology v.52 Fertility data from 327 artificial inseminationas with frozen-thawed dog semen comparing vaginal and intrauterine deposition: a retrospective study Linde-Forsberg C;Strom Holst B;Govette G
- Theriogenology v.31 Influence of extender, cryopereservative and seminal processing procedures on post thaw motility of canine spermatozoa frozen in staws Olar TT;Bowen RA;Rickett BW
- Reprod Dom Anim v.33 Effects of sodium dodecyl sulphate on post thaw dog semen quality during in vitro incubation at 39℃ and 22℃ Pena AI;Barrio F;Quintela LA;Herradon PG
- Theriogenology v.54 Effects of Equex, one of two step dilution, and two freezing and thawing rates on post-thaw survival of dog spermatozoa Pena AI;Linde-Forsberg C
- J Anim Sci v.47 Effect of Orvus ES Paste on acrosome morphology, motility and fertilizing capacity of frozen-thawed boar sperm Pursel VG;Schulmal LL;Johnson LA
- Theriogenology v.47 Effects of Equex-STM paste on viability of frozen-thawed dog spermatozoa during in vitro incubation at 38℃ Rota A;Strom B;Linde-Forsberg C;Rodriguez-Martinez
- Theriogenology v.44 Effects of seminal plasma and three extenders on canine semen stored at 4℃ Rota A;Strom B;Linde-Forsberg C
- Reprod Dom Anim v.33 Cryosurvival of dog spermatozoa at different glycerol concentrations and freezing/thawing rates Rota A;Linde-Forsberg C;Vannozzi J;Romagnoli S;Rodriguez-Martinez H
- Vet Rec v.92 Progress on the use of frozen semen in the dog Seager SWJ;Fletcher WS
- AI Digest v.17 Successful pregnancies utilizing frozen dog semen Seager SWJ
- PhD Thesis University of Minnesota Cryopreservation of canine semen, technique and performance Smith FO
- Proc Ann Mtg Soc Theriogenology Update on freezing canine semen Smith FO
- Proc 12th Int Congr Anim Reprod(ICAR) v.4 Addition of sodium dodecyl sulphate to the TRIS-citrate extender improves motility and longevity of frozen-thawed canine spermatozoa Thomase PGA;Surman V;Myer-Wallen VN;Concannon PW;Ball BA
- Reprod Fertil Dev v.7 Recent developments and concepts in the cryopreservation of spermatozoa and the assessment of their post-thawing funciton Watson PF
- 대한 수의학회지 v.34 no.4 개에서 동결정액을 이용한 인공수정-Methanol을 이용한 간이 동결방법 김용준;박영재;김병진;유일정
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.11 no.2 Methanol을 이용한 개 정액 동결의 융해후 양혼한 활력 및 생존력을 나타내는 정액 처리 조건 김용준;박영재;김병진;유일정
- 한국가축위생학회지 v.19 no.1 개 정액 동결시 seeding 처리가 융해 후 정자의 활력 및 생전율에 미치는 효과 김종호;이필돈;유일정;김용준
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.8 개 정액의 융해 후 정자의 생존율 향상을 위한 동결방법과 생존율 및 수정능획득 판정에 관한 연구 지동범;김용준