- Vet Med Normal blood values in the beagle Anderson AC;Gee W
- J Lab Clin Med v.61 Improved method for the determination of blood glutathione Beutler E;Duron O
- J Kor Soc Food Nutr v.21 no.3 Isolation of adenosine and free amino acid composition from the leaves of Allium tuberosum Choi JS;Kim JY
- Blood v.65 Glutathione-dependent-protection against oxidative damage of the humans red cell membrane Fujise H;Dale GL
- Vet. Pathol v.22 Experimental onion-induced hemolytic anemia in dogs Harvey JW;rackear D
- Am J Vet Res v.61 no.11 Hematologic changes associated with the appearance of eccentrocytes after intragastric administration of garlic extracts to dogs Lee KW;Maede Y
- J Vet Clin Med v.18 no.2 Hematological changes in dogs administrated excessive amount of water celery concentrated extracts Lee KW;Kim HT
- J Vet Clin Med v.18 no.2 Hematological changes in dogs administrated excessive amount of water celery crude juices Lee KW;Kim HT
- Korean J Vet Clin Med v.16 no.2 Hematological changes in dogs administrated excessive galic-extracts Lee KW
- Jap J Vet Sci v.39 High concentration of blood glutathione in dogs with acute hemolytic anemia Maede Y
- Blood v.73 no.1 Elevated glutathione accelerates oxidative damage to erythrocytes produced by aromatic disulfide Maede Y;kuwabara M
- J Agric Food Chem v.42 Comparative toxicity of prop(en)yl disulfides derived from Alliaceae; Possible involvement of 1-propenyl disulfides in onion-induced hemolytic anemia Munday R;Manns E
- St Marianna Med J v.8 Microdetermination of methemoglobin and the normal value Nakamura I;Nishid N
- Jpn J Vet Sci v.48 no.4 Effect of onion ingestion on antioxidizing agents in dog erythrocytes Ogawa E;Shinoki T
- Public Health Rep v.45 An anemia in dogs produced by feeding onions Sebrell W. H.
- Vet Rec v.117 Onion poisoning of young cattle Verhoeff J;Harjer R
- Biosci. Biotech. Biochem v.58 Novel Heinz body hemolysis factors in onion(Allium cepa) Yamato O;Maede Y
- Am. J. Vet. Res v.53 Susceptibility to onion-induced hemolysis in dogs with hereditary high erythrocyte reduced glutathione and potassium concentrations Yamato O;Maede Y
- 한국식품영양과학회지 v.27 부추 첨가 식이가 흰쥐의 암예방 효소계활성 및 혈중 testosterone 농도에 미치는 영향 곽연주;전희정
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- 한국식품영양과학회지 v.27 no.4 부추(Allium tubersoum Rottler)의 휘발성 향기 성분 박은령;이명렬
- 한국의 약용 식물 배기환
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- 한국의 채소 이우승
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- 채소 원예 각론 표현구;최연일
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