This study was performed to compare the individual characteristics of the vocalization and behavior in the adult female German Shepherd in military service. In this study, a stranger and an other strange dog approached their kennel. Their body postures included ears forward and up, slowly wagged tails, lips raised, mouth open and teeth exposed. It was Interesting that their vocalizations were only the bark without any combination of other vocalizations. There were significant differences between duration of call(DC), pitch(P), Fl formant, F2 formant, F3 formant and F4 formant(p<0.05) except interval between call(IBC) and intensity(I) among their barks. It was suggested that the differences between same breed dogs'barks could be recognized and the data of spectrogram, especially formant contour, could be used to discriminate the sender characteristics. The body postures could also be used to understand their mind.