- Sciaenops ocellatus in captivity.Cont.Mar.Sci. v.30 Controlled year-round spawning of red drum Arnold C.R.
- Prog.Fish.Cult. v.53 Precocious spawning of red drum Arnold C.R.<0050:PSORD>2.3.CO;2
- Aquaculture v.121 The effect of varying density and loading level on the growth of Arctic charr(Salvelinus alpinus)and rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss) Baker R.F.;G.B.Ayles
- Fish Physiology v.VIII Environmental factors and growth Brett J.R.;Hoar W.S.;D.J.Randall;J.R.Brett(eds.)
- Orconectes virilis.J.World Aquacult.Soc. v.26 Increased densities result in reduced weight gain of crayfish Brown P.B.;K.A.Willson;J.E.Wetzel;B.Hoene(ed.)
- Handbook of Mariculture no.II Culture of red drum Colura R.L.;A.H.Arzapalo;A.F.Maciorowski;J.P.McVey(ed.)
- US Dept.Commerce v.95 Reproduction of red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, in the north central Gulf of Mexico:seasonality and spawner biomass. NOSS Natl.mar Fish.Serv.Tech.Rep. Comyns B.H.;J.L.Shultz;D.L.Nieland;C.A.Wilson
- Biometrics v.11 Multiple-range and multiple range test Duncan D.B.
- Aquaculture v.152 The effect of stocking density on yield, growth and mortality of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell 1822) Hengsawat K.;F.J.Ward;P.Jaruratjamorn
- World Aquacult. v.27 Aquaculture in Israel Kissil G.W.
- Aquaculture v.73 Effect of different stocking densities on physiological parameters and growth of adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) reared in circular tanks Kjartansson H.;S.Fivelstad J.;M.Thomassen;M.J.Smith
- Agencies v.31 Status of marine fish introductions into the fresh water of Texas.Proc.Conf.Southeast.Assoc.Fish.Wildl. Lasswell J.L.Garza;W.H.Bailey
- Estuaries v.21 Food habits of red drum and spotted sea trout in a restored mangrove impoundment Llanso R.J.;S.S.Bell;F.E.Vose
- Estimating the direct market economic impact of sport angling for red drum in Texas.N.Am.J.Fish.Manage v.6 Matlock G.C.
- Manual on Red drum Aquaculture.Texas Agricultural Extension Service and Sea Grant College program The life history of red drum Matlock G.C.;Chamberlain G.W.;R.J.Miget;Haby M.G.
- Fish Physiology v.V Temperature receptors Murry R.W.;Hoar W.S.;D.J.Randall(eds.)
- Fishes of the world Nelson J.S.
- J.Thermal Biol. v.26 Thermal sensitivity of growth,food intake and activity of juvenlie brown trout Ojanguren A.F.;F.G.R.Gavilan;F.Brana
- Cultivation of marine finfish in North America Spec.Publ.Eur.Aquacult.Soc. v.19 Parker H.
- J.Exp.Biol. v.198 How should enzyme activities be used in fish growth studies? Pelletier D.;P.U.Blier;J.D.Dutil;H.Guderley
- Aquaculture v.8 Effect of density on growth and survival of artificially reared Atlantic salmon Refstie T.;A.Kittelsen
- J.Fish.Res.Board.Can. v.26 Effect of size-selective mortality and sampling bais an estimates of growth,mortality,production,and yield Ricker W.E.
- Mar.Ecol.Prog.Ser. v.158 Utilization of subtrolical sea grass meadows by newly settled red drum(Scienops ocellatus): patterns of distribution and growth Rooker J.R.;S.A.Holt
- 水産養殖學構座 v.제4 水族繁殖學 隆鳥史夫 · 羽生 功
- 魚類生理學槪論 田村 保
- 양식대산 외래종의 생태 국립수산진흥원
- 한국양식학회지 v.12 no.3 수온,자어밀도 및 먹이공급량이 붉은 쏨뱅이,Sebastiscus tertitus 자어의 성장과 생존율 김광수;임상구;김철원;허성범
- 한국양식학회지 v.1 no.1 넙치,Paralichthys olivaceus 子魚의 攝食과 消化 元文星;張榮振;柳晟奎
- 한국양식학회지 v.10 no.3 장갱이,Stichaeus grigorjewi Herzenstein의 종묘생산에 관한 연구,2,자치어 성장에 미치는 수온의 영향 이정의;조재윤
- 한국양식학회지 v.1 no.1 閉鎖循環濾過시스템에서의 넙치,Paralichthys olivaceus 稚魚의 飼育密度-高密度飼育의 可能性 張榮振;柳晟奎