The Effect of Net Generation′s Fashion Value on the Purchase-Decision Important Factors at Internet Shopping Mall and the Preference for Fashion Design

N세대의 패션가치관이 인터넷쇼핑몰 구매결정 중요도와 패션디자인 선호도에 미치는 영향

  • 최정선 (부경대학교 패션디자인학과) ;
  • 유태순 (대구 가톨릭대학교 의류학과)
  • Published : 2002.01.01


The purpose of this study was to characterize the effect of Net fashion value regarding to the factors of purchase-decision at internet shopping mall and the preference for fashion design. The subjects for this sample survey, were junior high school and university students who had dwelled at pusan and ulsan in south korea. This study had 824 samples of each aged from 13 to 24 who had purchasing ability of fashion apparels at the interned shopping mal1. The sampling data in this survey was analyzed by frequency analysis, factor analysis, T-test, LSD-test, MANOVA and ANOVA of SPSS WIN package. The results of this study was as follows; 1. It was proved that advertising, pursuit of services and products, pursuit of information were considered first from Net generations fashion value. Next things were perception of danger and pursuit of convenience. It was proved that they considered it important A/S, recall, exchange and post management. 2. It was proved that there was difference at the preference for fashion design of according to Net generations fashion value. Color was considered to be the most important one. 3. Men had higher political value than women and 1318 teenagers had higher fashion value than semi-adult. Under high school educational course Net generation had more theoretical value than above university educational course Net generation did. Also, with the factor of average monthly income, political value was considered to be the most important. People whose monthly expenditure on purchase was above 50,000 won had higher social value than people whose expenditure was under 50,000 won but under 50,000 won had higher political value than above 50,000 won did.



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