Urban Climate Mapping - The Case of Sanggye 4-Dong -

도시기후지도의 작성 -상계 4동을 중심으로-

  • 송영배 (서울여자대학교 자연과학대학 환경생명공학부)
  • Published : 2002.02.01


The objective of this study is to improve the quality of the atmospheric environment by incorporating the factors of meteorology and urban climate into the field of urban and environmental planning. To this end, we have conducted a study on CLIMATOP and the mapping of urban climate, which are basic data used to analyze changes in climatic factors and the stagnation and accumulation of air pollutants. In particular, we focused on understanding the formation and movement of cold fresh air and its influx into urban areas by measuring and analyzing climatic factors. As a study result, classification criteria far CLIMATOP and a urban climatic map were made. In addition, we analyzed a digital elevation model, climatic data, and isothermal curves. As a result, we identified the corridor through which cold fresh air moves. We also observed that the temperature of the fluxed cold fresh air increased as land use changed. When the results of this study are applied to urban re-development and re-building projects, which require preliminary environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment, the practice proposed by this study is expected to contribute to the natural purification of air pollution activating the movement of cold fresh air and its influx into urban areas.



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