버섯첨가된장의 맛성분 조성

The Taste Components Composition in Various Mushrooms-Added Korean Soybean Paste (Doenjang)

  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the sensory characteristics and the taste components of Korean soybean paste (doenjang) with mushrooms such as Lentinus edodes, Ganoderma lucidum and Phellinus Lentinus. edodes doenjang turned out to have a good taste, odor and color, but Ganoderma lucidum and Phellinus liteus doenjang were worse than control doenjang in the taste, odor and color as well as in sensory evaluation. The contents of amino type nitrogen were higher in Lentinus edodes and Phellinus liteus doenjang than in control doenjang. Of organic acids, succinic acid was the most abundant and Ganoderma lucidum doenjang had a little higher acetic, butyric and propionic acid. Fructose and glucose were detected as free sugar of mushroom doenjang, of which glucose was considerably contained in Ganoderma lucidum doenjang, Total contents of free amino acid were 2.247 ∼ 2.833mg/100g in doenjangs added mushrooms. Glutamic acid and alanine were dominant in mushroom doenjangs.
