계층적 분석기법을 활용한 그룹의사결정 지원

Group Decision Support with Analytic Hierarchy Process

  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is well suited to group decision making and offers numerous benefits as a synthesizing mechanism in group decisions. To date, the majority of AHP applications have been in group settings. One reason for this may be that groups often have an advantage over individual when there exists a significant difference between the importance of quality in the decision and the importance of time in which to obtain the decision. Another reason may be the best alternative is selected by comparing alternative solutions, testing against selected criteria, a task ideally suited for AHP. In general, aggregation methods employed in group AHP can be largely classified into two methods: geometric mean method and (weighted) arithmetic mean method. In a situation where there do not exist clear guidelines for selection between them, two methods do not always guarantee the same group decision result. We propose a simulation approach for building group consensus without efforts to make point estimates from individual diverse preference judgments, displaying possible disagreements as is natural in group members'different viewpoints.



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