도시 일부지역에서의 실내 라돈농도에 관한 연구

A Study on Indoor Radon Concentrations in Urban Area

  • 김순애 (서울대학교 보건대학원 환경보건학과) ;
  • 백남원 (서울대학교 보건대학원 환경보건학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


This study was taken in general hospital, hotel, shopping center, underground cafe, school, house, for the purpose of investigating the distribution of indoor radon concentration in urban area, by E-PERM which approved U.S. EPA, between August and November 1999. There are two sampling Places were exceed 148 ㏃/㎥(4 pCi/L; U.S EPA remedial level), difference mean is 24.0㏃/㎥ when compared with underground vs. aboveground indoor radon concentration in the same building and ratio is 1.6, so underground area is higher than aboveground (p<0.05). Influencing factors were examined. They related to the location of sampler(detector) open or near the door is lower radon concentration than inside portion, which explains probably open area has better ventilated air and dilutes indoor radon concentration. Temperature has a negative relationship (p<0.05) with indoor radon concentration and relative humidity has a positive (p<0.05) Simultaneously to investigate water radon concentration, collected piped-water and the results were very low, which is the same in piped-water concentration other countries. In conclusion, underground indoor radon concentration is higher than aboveground. Concentration was related to sampling spot, open portion is lower than inside. Higher the temperature, lower the indoor radon concentrations. On the other hand higher the relative humidity, higher the indoor radon concentrations. Indoor radon concentration is influenced by sampling point, temperature, relative humidity.



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