수자원 보전을 위한 유역통합관리 방안에 관한 연구(I) - 동해안 유역의 북천, 오십천, 가곡천 수계의 수질 및 환경용량 평가

Study in the integrated watershade management for conservation of water resources(I) - Water Quality distribution and Environmental capacity of the Samchog Buk stream, Oship stream, Gagog stream nearby eastern coastal -

  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


Concerning the water quality management plan about Buk-stream, Ohsip-stream and Gagok-stream water systems in this research, which objectives of abstract is as follows. The result of cleanness degree evaluation of water quality in this research, the first grade was 91% shared in Buk-stream water system. The most point of the middle and upper stream of Buk-stream was maintain extremely clean water quality. Among the researched water system, the first grade of water quality in Ohsip-stream water system was most poor, its first garde rate was 68%. In all water quality check point of Gagog-stream water system was accomplished extremely clean water quality condition of first grade of BOD. The calculation result of pollutant loading density, which were 8.2, 21.5, 4.0kg/day.$\textrm{km}^2$. respectively and basin of Buk-stream and Gagok-Stream have high development potentiality.



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