북천지역 자연학습 체험단지 조성을 위한 수질 환경성 조사 및 분석

Investigation and Analysis of Water Quality Environmental for Preparing a Natural Learning and Experimental Area in Bukchun and Boundary

  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


This study analyzes the river system and water quality conditions of Bukchun in order to establish a basic plan for Preparing a natural learning and experimental area of environmental ecosystem in Bukchun, Gyeongju. It also tries to establish an integrated plan for water management of Bukchun stream based on water contaminants. In addition, after analysing the water quality at 13 points during the non-rainy season, the effluent of municipal wastewater was of relatively better quality with I ~ II grade, below the water quality standard of the river, except in points near Samsung apartments. However, analysing the Hyeongsangang and the effluent of Bomunho and Duckdongdam in rainy season, the water quality was II ~ III grade according to environmental standard. The water Quality of those samples was strongly dependent of non-point source.



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