Korean Broadcast News Transcription Using Morpheme-based Recognition Units

  • Kwon, Oh-Wook (Brain Science Research Center, KAIST) ;
  • Alex Waibel (Interactive Systems Laboratories, University of Karlsruhe)
  • Published : 2002.03.01


Broadcast news transcription is one of the hardest tasks in speech recognition because broadcast speech signals have much variability in speech quality, channel and background conditions. We developed a Korean broadcast news speech recognizer. We used a morpheme-based dictionary and a language model to reduce the out-of·vocabulary (OOV) rate. We concatenated the original morpheme pairs of short length or high frequency in order to reduce insertion and deletion errors due to short morphemes. We used a lexicon with multiple pronunciations to reflect inter-morpheme pronunciation variations without severe modification of the search tree. By using the merged morpheme as recognition units, we achieved the OOV rate of 1.7% comparable to European languages with 64k vocabulary. We implemented a hidden Markov model-based recognizer with vocal tract length normalization and online speaker adaptation by maximum likelihood linear regression. Experimental results showed that the recognizer yielded 21.8% morpheme error rate for anchor speech and 31.6% for mostly noisy reporter speech.



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