마찰구동기구로 구동되는 초정밀 이송계의 특성 평가

Performance Assessment for Feeding System of Ultraprecision Machine Tool Driven by friction Drive

  • 송창규 (한국기계연구원 지능형정밀기계연구부) ;
  • 신영재 (한국기계연구원 지능형정밀기계연구부) ;
  • 이후상 (한국기계연구원 지능형정밀기계연구부)
  • Song, Chang-Gyu (Intelligence Precision Mechanical Research Center, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) ;
  • Sin, Yeong-Jae (Intelligence Precision Mechanical Research Center, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) ;
  • Lee, Hu-Sang (Intelligence Precision Mechanical Research Center, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials)
  • 발행 : 2002.07.01


The positioning system fur the ultraprecision machine tool should have nanometer order of positioning resolution. For the purpose of achieving that resolution, various feed drive devices have been proposed and currently hydrostatic lead screw and friction drive are paid attention. It is reported that an angstrom resolution can be achieved by using twist-roller friction drive. So we have manufactured ultraprecision feeding system driven by the twist-roller friction drive and perform performance assessment for problem definition and solution finding. As a result, we found that the twist-roller friction drive is mechanically suitable for ultraprecision positioning but some considerations are needed to get higher resolution.



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