자폐아 어머니의 심리적응 유형 분석 연구 -어머니와 전문가의 주관적 관점을 중심으로 -

The Analysis of the Coping behaviors of Mothers who have Children with Autism -Subjective Perspectives of Mothers and Experts-

  • 구미향 (성균관대학교 아동학과 BK21 연구교수) ;
  • 이양희 (성균관대학교 아동학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


The purpose of this study was to analyze coping behavior types of mothers of autistic children. Through the use of Q methodology using a sample of 23 pairs of mothers and therapists, four factors were derived that account for the coping strategies of mothers of children with autism. The mothers of the first type have either accepted their child's disability and their own situation. For the second type, the mothers engaged in therapeutic work for their child with a positive attitude. These mothers accepted their child as a family member. The third type shared ambivalent feelings and responses regarding their child's disability. And the last type expressed concerns and difficulties related to the situation. They tried to get social support to deal with the stressful situation. The agreement of mothers'psychological adjustment from the exports'and mothers'perceptive was found to be 52%.



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