인터넷 쇼핑경험에서의 소비자만족 형성과정에 관한 연구

A Study on the Forming Procedure of Consumer Satisfaction from Internet Shopping Experience

  • 유현정 (성균관대학교 가족경영·소비자학과) ;
  • 김기옥 (성균관대학교 가족경영·소비자학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.05.01


This study aims to examine the forming procedure of consumer satisfaction from Internet shopping experience. Many studies on the satisfaction have primarily focused on the examination of the antecedents of satisfaction along with the expectation-disconfirmation paradigm dominating the former studies. This study has built an Internet shopping expectation-disconfirmation model as to apply the expectation-disconfirmation into the condition of the Internet shopping. The summary of study represented in following. l. The expectation of risk and performance of benefit had a significantly positive effect on the perceived disconfirmation. In addition, an expectation of benefit and performance of risk had a significantly negative effect on the perceived disconfirmation. 2. A performance of risk and performance of benefit not only had a significantly indirect effect, but also a significantly direct effect on the consumer satisfaction. But expectation of risk and expectation of benefit had no significant direct effect on satisfaction. 3. Not only the perceived disconfirmation had a significant positive effect on satisfaction, but also an effect of the perceived disconfirmation on satisfaction(0.472) is larger than that of the performance of risk or performance of benefit. Meaning that, it is desirable for one to apply the expectation-disconfirmation model into the Internet shopping circumstances as much as the off-line markets.



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