A Study on the Attitude about the Family/Kinship Life of Netizen

네티즌의 가족/친족관련 가치관과 태도

  • Published : 2002.05.01


The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate how the information society affected the attitude about the family/kinship life of Netizen. For this goal, the data were collected from 305 Netizen who use the Internet. The major findings were as follows. Firstly, In Netizen, the support to familism and boy preference was low level. Secondly, in their altitude to the divorce and remarriage, there was a tendency which accepts a marriage with selection. Thirdly, they had a tendency to agree equal partnership in couple relationship. Fourthly, virtual community in cyber-space was found, but the loyalty of members was not enough strong. Fifthly, in the family/kin rites, it was showed non-traditional tendency. And in all aspects, some differences were found between men and women. The findings of the present study suggest that the couple relationship in the information society becomes more important, and there is a tend to increase acceptability to increase. In contrast, there is stiff another discrimination in cyber-space by focusing on traditional mother route.



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