소비자의 정보탐색 유형별 온라인 점포속성 지각

The Perception of Online Store Attributes by Online Consumer Information Seeking Type

  • 발행 : 2002.01.01


The purpose of this study was to examine characteristics of online consumer groups by information seeking type and to identify the variables influencing consumers'purchase intention of internet fashion product shopping by consumer groups. A questionnaire was administered to 456 adults who had purchasing experience at fashion outline shopping mall. SPSS 9.0 package was used for data analysis. Factor analysis, ${\chi}^2$-test, t-test, frequency, percentage, one-way ANOVA and stepwise regression analysis were utilized. The online store attribute dimensions of fashion online shopping main were tangibility, variety, marketing promotion, responsiveness, reputation, price and convenience. The online store attributes had directly different influences in the purchase intention of Internet fashion product shopping by online consumer groups. Outline information seeking type who had higher variety and reputation perceptions had more positively affected on the purchase intention of internet fashion product shopping. Offline information seeking type who had higher tangibility and variety perceptions had significantly positive influence on the purchase intention of it. Combination(online+offline) information seeking type who had higher price and responsiveness perceptions had positive impact on purchase intention of it.



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