Vascular Plants of Taebaeksan, Hambaeksan, Geumdaebong(Peak) and Maebongsan in the Baekdudaegan

백두대간 태백산, 함백산, 금대봉 및 매봉산지역의 관속식물상

  • 김용식 (영남대학교 자연자원대학 자연과학부) ;
  • 임동옥 (호남대학교 자연과학대학 자연과학부) ;
  • 오현경 (영남대학교 대학원 조경학과) ;
  • 신현탁 (대구대학교 과학기술연구소)
  • Published : 2002.03.01


As one of the botanical hot spots of the Korean peninsula, the vascular plant species in the areas of Taebaeksan, Hambaeksan, Geumdaebong(Peak) and Maebongsan were summarized as 694 taxa, 89 families, 302 genus, 579 species. 102 varieties and 13 forms. Based on the list of rare and endangered plants from the Forest Research Institute and the Ministry of Environment, 22 species were recorded in the studied areas: Thuja koraiensis(Cupressaceae), Arisaema heterophyllum(Araceae), Disporum ovale(Liliaceae), Tricyrtis dialata(Liliaceae), Lilium distichum(Liliaceae), Anemone koraiensis(Ranunculaceae), Rodgersia podophylla(Saxifragaceae), Rosa marretii(Rosaceae), Viola diamantica(Violaceae), Viola albida(Violaceae), Echinopanax horridum(Araliaceae), Acanthopanax chiisannensis(Araliaceae), Lysimachia coreana(Prinmulaceae), Syringa velutina var. kamibayashii, Halenia corniculata(Gentianaceae), Partrinia saniculaefolia(Valerianaceae), Adenophora grandiflora(Campanulaceae), Cacalia pseudo-taimingasa(Compositae) Iris odaesanensis(Iridaceae), Leontice microrhyncha(Berberidaceae), Rpdgersia tabularis(Saxifragaceae), and Acanthopanax sentico년(Araliaceae), Among them the four species were recorded from the list of the Ministry of Environment. As most of the species were recorded from the mountain-trails, the long-term habitat monitoring for the species is required .



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