A Mathematical Model for an Analysis of Container Inventory under Deterministic Environment

확정적 상황에서 컨테이너 재고량 분석을 위한 수리모형

  • 배종욱 (여수대학교 교통물류시스템공학부) ;
  • 김기영 (동서대학교 국제관계학부)
  • Published : 2002.05.01


This Paper discusses how to estimate the container yard space of a port container terminal as well as how much the Inventory level of containers Is affected by related factors such as allowable dwell time for containers, handling volume per containership, and loading/unloading productivity of a port container terminal. Under the assumption of static relations among the factors, a model for estimating the container yard space is suggested. In terms of arrival patterns of containers, sub-models for export, import, and transshipment containers are constructed separately. A numerical example and the sensitivity analysis for some parameters are provided to help intuitive understanding the characteristics of the suggested model. The experimental results show that the allowable dwell time for containers is the most critical one of the factors to influence on the maximum Inventory level of containers.
