Vibration Analysis of Cantilever Plates Undergoing Translationally Accelerated Motion

  • Yoo, Hong-Hee (School of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University) ;
  • Kim, Sung-Kyun (TRIGA Research Reactor D&D Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research Insitute)
  • 발행 : 2002.04.01


This paper presents a modeling method for the vibration analysis of translationally accelerated cantilever plates. An accurate dynamic modeling method, which was introduced in the previous study, is employed to obtain the equations of motion for the vibration analysis. Dimensionless parameters are identified to generalize the conclusions from numerical results. The effects of the dimensionless parameters on the natural frequencies and mode shapes are investigated. Particularly, the magnitude of critical acceleration which causes the dynamic buckling of the structure is calculated. Incidentally, the natural frequency loci veering phenomena are observed and discussed.



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